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Request Materials & Interlibrary Loans

Do you need need a book, article or journal that the library does not have access to? Students and staff at SSE can request scholarly resources which are not available at SSE or other libraries in Stockholm!

If you need books or articles that are not a part of the librarys collection you could make a purchase suggestion or order an interlibrary loan.

Before placing a request  to make sure your book or article is not already available at the library. You can also look in  to see if it can be borrowed from another library.


What can I request?

You can order

  • Printed books that are not held at the SSE library

  • Paper copies of individual articles

  • Staff can order books that are available at another library in Stockholm

You can't order

  • E-books

  • Books helt at the library but are on loan

  • Student's can't order books that are available at another library in Stockholm 

  • Entire magazines

Notice that interlibrary loans are limited to outside the Stockholm region. Meaning you have to borrow the book in person if it's avaliable at a library in Stockholm. This goes for students but not staff.

How do I place a request?

  1. Start by looking in the library's or the book/article you're looking for. 

  2. Check if the material is avaiable at another library in Stockholm by using . If another library in Stockholm has it, you'll have to go there to borrow it. 

  3. If the material can't be found in MerQuery or another library in Stockholm login in to your  and request the material.

When will my order arrive?

Delivery times may vary, expect up to two weeks for books within Sweden and three weeks for international interlibrary loans. Journal copies usually arrive within two to three days.

You will be notified by email when your interlibrary loan is available for pick up at the library. Article copies for SSE staff members can also be sent by internal mail.

How much does it cost?

It is free for faculty, staff and PhD students to request interlibrary loans. For others, there is a charge. The cost will be added to the patron's library account.

  • Articles: 50 SEK

  • Book borrowed from Nordic countries: 50 SEK

  • Book borrowed from outside Nordic countries: 200 SEK or more 

Interlibrary Lending (for other libraries)


Place an order through Libris or our use our contact form.


Photocopies to Swedish Research Libraries:

  • 60 SEK per article, 1-20 pages.
  • 120 SEK per article, 21-40 pages.

Photocopies to other libraries:

  • 100 SEK per article, 1-40 pages.
  • 200 SEK per article, 41-80 pages.

IFLA Vouchers are accepted.

No charges for random article requests or for libraries that provide free photocopies to SSE library.